ELSI’s MONEY TIP/HACK of the Week – MTH #1

I am happy to start this Category at the beginning of a new year, and accordingly, wanted to place at the beginning, what I feel is THE most important AND effective MONEY TIP/HACK you could ever implement in your life


MTH #1: PRACTICE GRATITUDE DAILY for EVERYTHING you have in your life.

And I promise you, if you are still here on this planet, you have, at the very least, one thing to be VERY thankful for.  What is it? Well, the answer is obvious if you think about it. You have LIFE; and THAT is a precious gift from God that ONLY He can give.

Of course you may say that actually a man and woman give LIFE by providing a “seed” and a warm and protected place for it to come to life and grow. While that is technically true, ask yourself where the seed itself and the warm protected environment it comes to life in, come from. 

In any case, I could make testaments of how Gratitude has worked in my own life, but rather than just take my word for it, try practicing a little Gratitude in your own life each day and you will soon discover its effects as I have. You may even be amazed at the transformation you experience with this as your daily mantra.

Try it! Then come back here and share your experience in the Comments section below!

How? Try this:

At the TOP of your “To-Do” list each day, or on sticky notes you paste in a place you will see multiple times a day, or in any creative way you choose, just write two small words in CAPITAL letters (preferably in green ink). 

They are: GIVE THANKS!

Then, if you are the list type, do this first priority on your list EVERY day, even if it takes you until 11:59 PM!

Once you get in the habit of practicing Gratitude each and every day for a month or so, you are ready to advance to the next level. It is your Gratitude List

Each day (or preferably the night before), write down 5-10 “things” you are really glad you have, yes, Thankful for and Grateful for.

As mentioned above, I know each and every one of you have, at the very least, one thing to be Grateful for, and I believe most of you can find at least 4 more.

So please do yourself a HUGE favor and start practicing Gratitude in your life each and every day.

Then watch what happens, and share it with your friends and fellow Personal Finance enthusiasts at EarnLearnSaveInvest.com!


Next, don’t forget to check in here, in the MONEY TIPS & HACKS Category at EarnLearnSaveInvest.com each week for your own special nugget of personal finance wisdom!

Better yet, when you subscribe, be sure to click the small blue link at the bottom of the confirmation email that says, Update Your Profile. There you can select the MONEY TIPS & HACKS Topic to have your weekly MONEY HACK delivered straight to your inbox.

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